Trailrunning ist eine naturverbundene Art des Laufens abseits befestigter Wege – auf Pfaden durch Wälder, über steinige Berge und entlang von Tälern. Diese abwechslungsreichen Strecken fordern nicht nur Kondition, sondern auch Konzentration und Technik.
In der Umgebung von Schloss Elmau, mitten in der malerischen Alpenlandschaft, finden Trailrunner perfekte Bedingungen: abwechslungsreiche Trails durch Wälder und über Almwiesen mit beeindruckenden Ausblicken. Hier lässt sich der Sport in voller Natur genießen, weit weg vom Trubel und Alltag.
5 nights including breakfast, Spa & Cultural events, possibility to attend daily running trail running tours with Laura Dahlmeier
Biathlon legend Laura Dahlmeier is coming to Schloss Elmau for an exclusive week of running. A native of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, one of the world's most successful biathletes has been an active mountain runner since the end of her career. During this trail running retreat, you will explore the unspoilt, unique nature of the Bavarian Alps as you run with Laura Dahlmeier and benefit from her experience as a professional athlete.
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Schloss Elmau offers perfect conditions for runners. There are different routes around the castle for every level, ranging from 3 to 18 km along rushing mountain streams and crystal-clear lakes. With a spiro-ergometry analysis, you can optimize your running speed, which not only allows you to burn less calories and more fat and reduce your weight sustainably, but also increase your endurance. You can also improve your running style with the help of a personal trainer and a video analysis.